Nuclear Physicist at NAPC-Nuclear Data Development Unit (IAEA Headquarters)

Parent Category: ROOT Category: Jobs Published: Wednesday, 19 December 2018 Print Email


Provide input to develop and implement the IAEA's programme in nuclear reaction data, nuclear data processing, or nuclear structure and decay data. 

Plan and conduct Technical Meetings in the area of nuclear reaction data, nuclear data processing, or nuclear structure and decay data, including assistance in preparing the scope, selecting participants, coordinating the preparation of reports and documentation. 

Carry out technical work in the evaluation of nuclear reaction and/or nuclear structure and decay data or in nuclear data processing related to the evaluation work as input to international databases. 

Promote, coordinate and evaluate moderately complex CRPs involving participants from several Member States and conduct studies and assessments related to issues and trends. 

Plan, organize and conduct training for various topics related to nuclear reaction data, nuclear data processing or nuclear structure and decay data.

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