Postdoc and PhD positions for nuclear structure studies at the University of Padova

Categoría de nivel principal o raíz: ROOT Categoría: Empleo Publicado: Lunes, 29 Abril 2019 Imprimir Correo electrónico

The postdoc position for nuclear structure studies at the University of Padova that was announced in the previous communication is now officially open. This is the call in Italian and in English:
The application form
and related documents have to be delivered (not just sent!) to the Physics Department in Padova by May 15th.

Moreover a PhD position is now open at the University of Padova. This is the application page:
This is the grant that was funded:"1 scholarship funded by Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Galileo Galilei" - DFA su fondi PRIN, progetto "Cryogenic Targets for Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams" (Resp. dott. Recchia) - Topic: Structure of exotic nuclei with radioactive beams;"
Deadline May 14th.

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