Experimental Nuclear Physics Postdoc

Categoría de nivel principal o raíz: Noticias y eventos Categoría: Eventos Publicado: Viernes, 05 Marzo 2021 Imprimir Correo electrónico




Experimental Nuclear Physics Postdoc


The University of Padova’s gamma‐ray spectroscopy group has an opening for a postdoctoral
appointment in experimental nuclear physics. The group is seeking candidates who will focus
their experimental work on the study of the structure of neutron deficient nuclei and their exploitation
for fundamental interaction studies.

The experimental work will take place both at the Legnaro National Laboratories as well as at
international facilities with experiments using the gamma ray tracking array GRETINA at the Coupled
Cyclotron Facility NSCL, Michigan, and using the JUROGAM‐MARA setup at the JYFL Accelerator
Laboratory, Jyväskylä, Finland.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to participate to the AGATA campaign at
Legnaro National Laboratory. The successful candidate is expected to work on the analysis of
experiment performed at international facilities and participate in the development of a Hydrogen
target for direct reactions in Legnaro. Competitive salary is offered.

Complete applications consisting of online form, cv and relevant documents have to be delivered
to University of Padova by 15 March 2021.

It would be greatly appreciated if this information could be passed on to potential candidates.
Interested candidates should contact Francesco Recchia (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.).

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