The Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA, Seville) in collaboration with the Centro de Microanálisis the Materiales (CMAM, Madrid) and the Sincrotrón ALBA (Barcelona) invites expressions of interest for a contract of a scientific data manager during one year, starting by the end of 2023. The work involves the development of the relevant protocols and the development of the necessary computational tools to allow the open access of the experimental measurements performed at CNA and CMAM.
There will be a few months training period in ALBA.
Required qualifications:
• Science or engineering degree (Informatics, Physics, Maths, Engineering, ..)
• Web programming (JavaScript or similar).
• Skills on scientific programming languages such as Python, fortran90 or C++.
• Knowledge on operating systems (such as linux).
• Fluent English. In addition, experience in one or more of the following is welcome: * Degree in informatics
• Some basic knowledge on Accelerator science, Experimental nuclear physics, Ion beam analysis techniques or analogous scientific areas.
• Experience on management of web/calculations servers.
• Group development applications (github/gitlab). * Spanish language.
Candidates must send the CV to Joaquin Gómez Camacho (Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.) as soon as possible, and not later than September 30, 2023.
Visto: 963