Post-doctoral associate position in experimental low energy nuclear physics group University of Tennessee

Categoría de nivel principal o raíz: ROOT Categoría: Empleo Publicado: Martes, 04 Septiembre 2018

The Experimental Low-Energy Nuclear Physics Group at the University of Tennessee – Knoxville (UTK) is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral position in direct reaction studies.  The UTK group currently performs experiments using the VANDLE and HAGRiD arrays to measure neutrons and gamma rays emitted following direct reactions.   Additionally, in partnership with our collaborators at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Rutgers University, we use the ORRUBA and SIDAR arrays of silicon detectors to measure charged particles from transfer reactions. The group has been involved in the development of the GODDESS combined array of ORRUBA and Gammasphere, and experiments with GODDESS at Argonne National Laboratory.  Additionally, we perform experiments at other facilities using in-house equipment, including a recent experiment at ISAC II (TRIUMF) using the solid deuterium target and detector system, IRIS. 

The successful candidate will be based at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and will be expected to travel to experiments and conferences.  The research associate will be expected to work on data analysis, maintenance tasks for HAGRiD and VANDLE, preparing and running experiments, and supporting the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students.  The group will also be working to prepare day one proposals for FRIB.

The UTK group has a strong track record in experimental structure studies of nuclei far from stability, with a strong connection to nuclear astrophysics.  The group utilizes direct reaction and decay methods to study the atomic nucleus.  There will be many opportunities to collaborate with experimentalists using different techniques, theorists and experimentalists both at UTK and ORNL, as well as collaborators beyond East Tennessee. 

A PhD in nuclear physics, or related area, is required to be completed, or near completed, at the time of application.  The successful candidate should have demonstrable experience with experiments at accelerator facilities, as well as excellent programming and data analysis skills.  The position is expected to be available from January 2019 for two years.  It may be possible to extend the position for an extra year.

Applicants should apply on-line at Please provide CV with list of publications.  Please send two letters of recommendation and any questions regarding this position to Dr. Kate Jones at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

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